About Worship
Worship is an offering to God! It is both our offering to God and the way that the corporate Body of Christ enters into the presence of God. Thus, worship should involve the mind as well as the heart. Our worship is intended to fill the senses--sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. By this, our whole being comes into contact with the divine.
It is our hope that everyone will experience a profound sense of peace and love in our worship. Through our traditional worship we seek to live in the truth found in ancient wisdom and practices. Here, the beauty of tradition meets a modern faith. Who may take Communion?
We believe that there is only one holy, catholic (universal), and apostolic church. This means that anyone baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is a Christian and welcome at the table of the Lord. Therefore, any baptized person is welcomed and encouraged to take Communion. What about Children? Children are as much a part of worship and the Christian community as anyone else. However, we understand the trials of bringing little ones to worship. May we suggest –
What about Sunday School? Christ Church is offering Sunday School for our children beginning September 10. Children of all ages are welcome to attend these sessions during our Sunday services. See the Activities Calendar on our website for the complete schedule through Advent. If there are questions, please contact the church office at: 304-327-6861. For adults, there will be a four-session course called, "Christ Church 101" beginning Sunday, September 17 approximately 11:15am. |
We gather each Sunday morning at 10:00 AM.
Check our News & Events page for special service dates and times! What is our 10:00 Service Like ?
Our Sunday service lives into the fullness of the Anglican tradition. This service incorporates hearing God's word in scripture, preaching, Holy Eucharist (Communion), and wonderful music. This is our liturgical and spirit-filled service that Christ Church is so well known for and so meaningful to many who are searching for the understanding, love, and healing that comes from having a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Before our service begins we traditionally spend time in prayer or meditation so that we may mindfully enter a space where we can worship and hear the voice of God speaking in our lives. Our bulletin will show which hymns will be sung, and at what time, and our scripture lessons, as well as where to follow service along in the Book of Common Prayer. |